Elevate your data centre connections with GBC Photonics InterConnectionSystem!
In the ever-expanding world of Data Centres, space is at a premium. As the demand for Data Centre services skyrockets, new centres emerge while existing ones scramble to maximize their infrastructure density.
400G ZR+ 0dBm - DWDM optimization has never been so easy
No one has such a solution yet!
Top three priorities for telecom operators in 2023
2023 is the year of making savings. Operators will experience significant increases in costs, such as maintenance, energy costs and heat dissipation.
How to pick the right links for your Data Centre?
Lukasz Bogdanik, expert at Salumanus, has prepared an amazing guide to help you pick the right links for your Data Center infrastructure!
How to reduce the costs of building a 5G network?
The telecommunications industry is reaching again for the O-Band. It makes data transmission more effective and economical.
Building secure and reliable networks
In the past couple of years, cybercrime has increased by 600%, according to cloud technology publication Cloudwards...
Making the most of your existing fibre networks
Nowadays, network users want more data capacity and less latency. Data centres, enterprises and telecom operators are faced with the challenge of constantly increasing throughput. Meanwhile, changes to the network’s[...]
Riding the wave of coherent transmission
The average global internet user is reported to spend seven hours online per day. With the number of internet users expected to grow to 5.3 billion by 2023, the need for more bandwidth is increasing. Can coherent[...]
400G Grey
400G in QSFP-DD form factor solutions are ideal for Telco providers and large data centres with huge traffic growth.
How coherent optics increase data rates?
Modulation and polarization multiply data capacity on optical networks.
The stages of coherent transmissions development
Click here for an in-depth look at the various stages of coherent transmission development, and to learn how coherent transmission can help your network..
Telcos and the metaverse: A happy marriage?
As the next phase of communications, the metaverse has huge business potential for telcos. According to Telecom Review, operators could earn up to $712 billion in revenue by 2030 if they introduce 5G applications that[...]
Coherent optics - how will the market evolve in 2022?
2021 brought a surge in digital usage. With around 1.3 billion years of combined time spent online in 2021 alone, the pressure on bandwidth grew significantly.
The fundamentals of coherent transmission
Have you ever heard of coherent transmission? Are you familiar with the terms QPSK, 16QAM or 64QAM? Does 32Gbaud or 64Gbaud ring a bell? How many times have you wondered what it all means?
Versatility of universal optical transceivers
GBC Photonics 100G LR4 QSFP28 single and dual rate optical transceivers – versatility thanks to the Simple Recode Device
100G LR4 QSFP28 single vs dual rate transceivers | OTN
The applications of GBC Photonics 100G LR4 QSFP28 single and dual rate optical transceivers.
100G LR4 QSFP28 single & dual rate transceivers | components
Technology and solutions in GBC Photonics 100G LR4 QSFP28 single and dual rate optical transceivers – components and architecture.
100G LR4 QSFP28 single and dual rate transceivers | DML and EML
Technology and solutions in GBC Photonics 100G LR4 QSFP28 single and dual rate optical transceivers – Directly Modulated Laser and Electro-absorption Modulated Laser
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